Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited was established by the Lekapojpanich Family under the name Tang Mong Seng Factory, which initially produced and sold toy cars. The Company expanded the business into the production of pipe furniture and various types of pipes in 1981.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited (“PAP”) is a manufacturer, which the core business of the Company is manufacturing and distributing steel pipes produced by the process of the electric resistance welded (ERW) production system. At present, the Company produces and distributes more than 5,000 items, which can be categorised into 2 types: black steel pipes and galvanized steel pipes.
Both types can be categorized into standard steel pipes that are distributed under the brand “PAP”, and the commercial steel pipes, which are sold under the brand “TMZ”.
This is conducted in response to the demand of customers in other kinds of construction, e.g., communication infrastructure, airport structure, warehouse structure, high-rise building structure, etc. and in systematic formats like fire protection systems, irrigation systems, sanitation systems, etc.
Company's History
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
1972was initially established as Tang Mong Seng Factory by the Lekhapojpanich family, specializing in producing and selling toy vehicles.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
1981Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited was established by the Lekapojpanich Family under the name Tang Mong Seng Factory, which initially produced and sold toy cars. The Company expanded the business into the production of pipe furniture and various types of pipes in 1981.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
1991As a result of the steel pipe sector proving considerably successful and growing extensively, the Lekapojpanich Family therefore decided to establish the Pacific Pipe Company Limited on September 19, 1991. The Company’s objective was to be a manufacturer and distributor of steel pipes.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
2003To restructure the Company, some of the Lekapojpanich Family members jointly established Tang Mong Seng Holding Company Limited that had the objective of operating a holding company by acquiring some shares in the company instead of directly holding shares. Furthermore, the Company purchased shares of Tamose Trading Company Limited (Tamose) from the Lekapojpanich Family by holding 99.94% of the total paid up shares of Tamose. This was conducted to oversee both the domestic and international sales and marketing functions of the Company.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
2004The Company registered and converted to be the Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited with a registered capital of 660 million Baht and issued 16 million common shares with the par value of 10 Baht per share. The Company conducted an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 15.3 million shares at the offering price of 45 Baht per share and issued warrants to purchase common shares to seven Company directors with a total of 700,000 units. The Company listed the securities on the Stock Exchange of Thailand on November 8, 2004.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
APRIL 7, 2006the Company purchased 99.97% of the total shares of Meesap Transport Company Limited to oversee the logistics function for the Company to support its growth. The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of 2006 passed a resolution allowing the Company to change the par value of the common shares from 10 Baht to 5 Baht. This resulted in an increase in the number of the Company’s common shares from 66 million shares to 132 million shares.
Launched the operation of the large steel pipe mill at the Samut Sakhon Industrial Park. This plant had a total production capacity of 100,000 tons per year, which enabled the Company to enlarge the maximum size of the steel pipes from 8 inches to 16 inches.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
2007Launched the operations of the distribution centre at Lat Lum Kaeo.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
July 30, 2008the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2008 passed the resolution allowing the Company to change the par value of the common shares from 5 Baht to 1 Baht. This resulted in an increase in the number of the Company’s common shares from 132 million shares to 660 million shares effective from August 13, 2008. On November 14, 2008, the Board of Directors Meeting No. 11/2008 passed the resolution regarding the Treasury Stock Programme for Financial Management in the amount not exceeding 21 million Baht. The number of repurchased shares equalled 3.18% of the Company’s total shares sold.
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited
December 9, 2009the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2009 approvedthe resolution allowing the Company to purchase land in the Samut Sakhon Industrial Park instead of renting.
The Company completed the Treasury Stock Programme for Financial Management.
March 8, 2010There was a total of 1,450,700 shares, which were repurchased at the average price of 0.93 Baht per share and redeemed at the average price of 1.63 Baht per share.
The Mahachai Plant Location (3) was launched with a production capacity of 150,000 tons per year.
2014This enabled the Company to have greater efficiency in producing more products with a rapid turnover. In the same year, the Company’s testing and/or calibration laboratory received the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation from the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), Ministry of Industry. This guaranteed that the Company’s quality system operations in testing and/or calibration activities complied with the ISO 9000 standard serial number, proof that the Company’s product quality testing laboratory was accurate and reliable.
The Company received the ISO 14001 Environment Management Systems Use from TUV NORD(Thailand) Limited, which guaranteed that the Company had systematic environmental management.
2015The Company’s products received the FM Approvals Class: 1603 - Steel Pipe for Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems standard certification from FM Global, United States of America, which is one of the largest commercial, industrial insurance and risk management standards. Such standard certified product would be marked with the symbol, which would be an alternative for a standardized steel pipe for fire extinguishing systems.
The Company’s product is, which received the standard certification of UL 852 –Metallic Sprinkler Pipe For Fire Protection Service from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., United States of America.
2017and are regarded to be the only water pipe in fire extinguishing systems in Thailand that has received a double guarantee from two leading international standard certification institutions. The Company received the certification of the brand name, which is a set of pipes and fittings used for the Cross Hole Sonic Logging Test. It was invented and produced by the Company to support the construction of various mega projects in the country. It would help compensate the need to import such products from overseas.
The Company’s product is, which received the standard certification of UL 852 –Metallic Sprinkler Pipe For Fire Protection Service from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., United States of America.
2018and are regarded to be the only water pipe in fire extinguishing systems in Thailand that has received a double guarantee from two leading international standard certification institutions. The Company received the certification of the brand name, which is a set of pipes and fittings used for the Cross Hole Sonic Logging Test. It was invented and produced by the Company to support the construction of various mega projects in the country. It would help compensate the need to import such products from overseas.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2019 approved the resolution of the Entire Business Transfer (EBT)
2019from the Company’s two subsidiaries, which were Tamose Trading Company Limited and Meesap Transport Company Limited. Tamose Trading Company Limited and Meesap Transport Company Limited proceeded with the registration of liquidation with the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce on December 4, 2019.
Core value CHANGE
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